Equine Vaccines and Coggins testing

What is the job of your horse on the farm?  Is he a faithful companion?  A devoted athlete?  A pasture ornament?  LAVender provides equine care no matter the job of your horsey partner!  Vaccines include Rabies, Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan Encephalitis, Influenza, Streptococcus Equi (Strangles), Equine Ehrlichiosis (Potomac Horse Fever), Tetanus, West Nile Virus, and Equine Herpes.

Coggins tests are usually required for horses moving to a new barn, crossing state lines, or requirements for purchase.  Coggins tests for Equine Infectious Anemia, a very contagious disease spread by mosquitoes.  Most places want to be sure the horse tests negative before any transport occurs.  LAVender Veterinary Services can provide testing and any preventative medicine your horse may require.